Patron Behavior Policy

To better serve all library patrons, the Library Board of Trustees has established certain standards of acceptable behavior to maintain an atmosphere which promotes the use and enjoyment of the Library and protects the rights and safety of the public, the staff, and the materials of the Library.

Any activity which interferes with the rights of other patrons to use the Library or could result in damage to the facilities, equipment, or materials is considered disruptive and unacceptable. The Library reserves the right to require anyone who violates these rules of conduct to leave the premises and to restrict library privileges for this individual.

Refusal to comply with reasonable requests of the Library staff will be construed as a violation of this policy. Failure to comply with policy will result in the following:

  1. First offense: Verbal warning.
  2. Second offense: Violator will be escorted to the door and not allowed on library property for a term of one month (30 days). A letter with a description of the infraction and a copy of the library’s Patron Behavior Policy will be sent to the violator. If the violator is a juvenile, a letter will be sent to the parent or guardian of the juvenile.
  3. Violators are required to meet with the Library Director or member of the library staff in order to reinstate library privileges. Parents or guardians of juvenile offenders will be required to attend the reinstatement meeting. Further infraction of this policy by this same offender will result in law enforcement interaction.

Examples of disruptive behavior include:

  • Creating noise or other disturbances that reasonably can be expected to bother Library patrons will not be tolerated.
  • Language that is a nuisance to other patrons or staff because it is abusive or obscene is considered unacceptable.
  • Harassment and physical, sexual, or verbal abuse of staff or patrons is unacceptable.
  • Abuse or vandalism of library facilities, equipment, or materials is forbidden.
  • Alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drug use and intoxication are not permitted on any library property.
  • Pets are not allowed in the Library except for those involved in special programs. Service animals are allowed.
  • For the safety of all patrons the use of bicycles, rollerblades, skateboards, scooters and hoverboards is prohibited on the library’s outside entry. A bicycle rack is provided for bicycle and scooter parking. Rollerblades, skateboards and hoverboards are not allowed inside the library and should not block the library’s outside entrance.
  • Cell phone use in the library should be limited to short conversations and should never disturb other patrons. Patrons are encouraged to move to the front entrance area or outside in order to provide privacy both for those on the telephone and for other Library patrons.
  • Consumption of food and beverages is not allowed in the Library except during designated programs or in the café area.
  • Violation of the Library’s Internet/Computer Use Policy, which includes but is not limited to cyber-bullying or viewing obscene sites, cannot be tolerated.
  • Appropriate attire is expected to be worn. Shirts and shoes must be worn at all times.
  • Sleeping in the library, except among young children, is prohibited.
  • Soliciting, such as selling items, begging, circulating petitions, distributing catalogs or brochures, posting flyers, or conducting surveys which are not in support of sanctioned library activities is not allowed. Political rallies or religious meetings are not allowed.
  • Children age 5 and younger must be supervised by an adult while in the Library.

When any of these behaviors are observed, Library staff may ask the person(s) to discontinue the behavior or leave the premises. Any patron who violates these rules of behavior may be denied the privilege of access to the Library and its materials by the Library Board of Trustees on the recommendation of the Library Director. The Library Director, in consultation with the President of the Board of Trustees, may deny the privilege of access to the Library until the full Board can consider the matter.
Law enforcement personnel may be notified at any given time for repeated policy violations.

Revised 2/10/2011
Revised and Approved 3/10/2016
Revised and Approved by the Board of Trustees 8/8/2019


Children are welcome and encouraged to use the Library often. The Library also encourages caregivers to use the library with their children. In all situations, the caregivers shall be solely responsible for the care and safety of the children.
Caregivers are asked to remain with children aged 5 and younger while in the library except during scheduled library programs. During programs, caregivers must remain in the building.

Revised 2/10/2011
Revised and Approved 3/10/2016
Revised and Approved by the Board of Trustees 8/8/2019